The 6-8 app now offers athletes the option to mark themselves as "official". Once you mark yourself as official you will:
- Appear in the 6-8 Challenge rankings and Top 5
- Be able to be added to rosters for game scoring on the 6-8 Game Desk
- Be able to get all of your game results exported to your profile when you are scored by the Game Desk
To mark yourself as official, please follow these instructions:
- Make sure you are using the most updated version of the 6-8 App (check the app store)
- Click on "Athlete Profiles" and then click on a specific name
- Click on the little "Edit" button in the upper right hand corner
- Click on "Profile Type" and choose "Official"
- Click "Save" in the upper right hand corner
Please note that ALL fields in the Athlete Profile are mandatory and must be filled out. If any information is missing, the system will not allow you to save your profile.